- Past art workshops 2023
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- Watercolour Discovery Continuation, Noosaville, April
Watercolour Discovery Continuation, Noosaville, April
April 15 - 16
9:00am - 4:00pm
Noosa Arts and Crafts Association
Wallace House
1 Wallace Drive. Noosaville QLD 4566
Air-conditioned studio. Kitchen and bathroom in the same building. Parking directly outside.
A weekend watercolour workshop for *intermediate painters with a range of subjects.
The joy of painting in watercolour continues with more techniques and a variety of subject matter to discover.
*This workshop is designed for those who have learnt the basics (either from the Watercolour Discovery for Beginners workshop or from any beginner class) and desire to become more proficient in their use of this wonderful, but sometimes challenging medium. Jan will work with each participant to help overcome any problems that can be inherent with paint to water ratios, creating more contrast and dealing with boo-boo’s! As we won’t need to spend time going over the basics, we will jump straight into painting projects with step by step instructions.
Projects will include water scenes, imaginative landscapes, birds, and in depth instruction on painting florals - Jan’s speciality.
Please book through NACA HERE. Don't use the shopping cart below. Thanks!
Paints –Any “Artists’ Quality” brands of watercolour in a range of different colours. Include a magenta (permanent rose), phthalo blue and a primary yellow (eg hansa yellow), all preferably in tubes.
Paper – For this workshop you will require 300gsm Cold Pressed watercolour paper in pads or a block. It must be 100% cotton. Again, only buy Artists’ quality. Arches, Saunders Waterford or Fabriano Artistico are excellent brands. Don’t compromise on paper, cheap brands are useless! A watercolour block is ideal as there is no need to stretch the paper. The size needs to be from about A4 or larger.
Brushes - Bring whatever watercolour brushes you already own, but include at least one or two “rounds” with sharp points. (One small and one larger.) A squirrel hair “mop” would also be handy if you own one or a hake; any brush really for larger areas. Watercolour brushes can be synthetic or natural hair, but they should have short handles, not long ones, as the long-handled brushes are for acrylics and oils.
Palette – The large plastic palettes with lots of wells and a lid are my recommendation; otherwise bring what you own. Even ice-cube trays will do for puddles of colour, but you’ll need something with a larger flat surface for mixing paint on.
Other Necessities – Drawing equipment (pencils, eraser, ruler etc), 1 sheet of graphite transfer paper *(no other type will do), an old hand towel or rags, tissues, 2 plastic containers for water and masking tape. A pipette* would also be handy. Also think about bringing a board with something that will prop up one end for keeping your painting surface at an angle.
* Jan will bring transfer paper and pipettes for sale. Please contact her if you would like to purchase a palette or paints as she may be able to get these cheaper than in shops on the Sunshine Coast.
Morning and afternoon tea is complimentary, BYO lunch. (Refrigerator & microwave available.)